VG8 Safety Gears

VG8 Safety Gears are availiable from Atwell International Ltd.

VG8 Safety Gears

The VG8 safety gears have been designed to suit a ‘standard’ range of lifts, with a range of 2,789kg for a trip speed of up to 1.0m/s and 2,425kg for a trip speed up to 2.63m/s on either 9mm or 16mm Cold Drawn, Machined or Aluminium guide rails.

The VG8 is a compact safety gear and measures just 76mm in height and weighs only 7.3kg. They follow the same pattern as the rest of the VG safety gears, and can be installed for downward operation (TD8.3) or bi-directional operation with either having frames under and above the car (TD8.4) or duplexed together under the car (TD8.5).

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