
Henning RC 3500 Donut Sensor

The RC-series of “Donut”- sensors are able be measure absolute weights at each rope or belt, thereby making calibration with weights redundant. The sensors are ready for immediate use after connection with an evaluation unit AE12 without the time consuming entering of calibration parameters for the sensors.

Henning RC 1000 Donut Sensor

The RC-series of “Donut”- sensors are able be measure absolute weights at each rope or belt, thereby making calibration with weights redundant. The sensors are ready for immediate use after connection with an evaluation unit AE12 without the time consuming entering of calibration parameters for the sensors.

Henning RC 500 Donut Sensor

The RC-series of “Donut”- sensors are able be measure absolute weights at each rope or belt, thereby making calibration with weights redundant. The sensors are ready for immediate use after connection with an evaluation unit AE12 without the time consuming entering of calibration parameters for the sensors.

Henning RC 300 Donut Sensor

The RC-series of “Donut”- sensors are able be measure absolute weights at each rope or belt, thereby making calibration with weights redundant. The sensors are ready for immediate use after connection with an evaluation unit AE12 without the time consuming entering of calibration parameters for the sensors.

Henning LS2 Rope Load Sensor

The Henning over-load measuring system embodies a new measuring principle: At each rope, an individual load sensor is mounted which no longer has to be calibrated at the lift using weights. The measurement signals are sampled in a controller unit, permitting a check of both the cab weight and even rope tension.

Henning LS1 Rope Load Sensor

The Henning over-load measuring system embodies a new measuring principle: At each rope, an individual load sensor is mounted which no longer has to be calibrated at the lift using weights. The measurement signals are sampled in a controller unit, permitting a check of both the cab weight and even rope tension.

Henning AE12

The Henning over-load measuring system embodies a new measuring principle: At each rope, an individual load sensor is mounted which no longer has to be calibrated at the lift using weights. The measurement signals are sampled in a controller unit, permitting a check of both the cab weight and even rope tension.

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